Rockstar Member: Fiona Loveland

Rockstar Member: Fiona Loveland

Fiona Loveland has been participating in the Zest Wellness Program since its launch in 2014.  As a member of the Colonial Corporate Wellness Committee, she is a large part of of the success behind the program.  Fiona is always seen participating in community events, promoting the wellness program, and has consistently set an example for colleagues.

We asked Fiona about her success with the Zest Wellness Program and how she keeps motivated and fit:

What are some of the key aspects of the program that you enjoy? I enjoy being able to log your steps and activity, joining challenges with colleagues etc.

What healthy habits have you adopted since being on the program? I am trying to exercise more and the programme just makes you a bit more aware of your healthy habits or lack of.  The Virgin Pulse classes that we are offered are very good as well.

You’ve successfully reached Level 4 each quarter. How do you stay motivated? The reward of a day off is a huge motivation and also it’s easy to get into a routine with the programme of logging your steps, healthy habits, interests, food diary etc.

What are some tips you would share with other members? It really is a simple programme to follow and if you make sure you participate in all the challenges and keep your steps going then the points are quite easy to achieve.

How long have you been practicing yoga? Just under 2 years

What do you enjoy most about the in-office yoga program? I enjoy the group environment and the exercises we do.

Have you noticed any changes physically and mentally?  My flexibility has greatly improved and the yoga compliments the Pilates and HIIT classes I already do.  Mentally I find it helps as well as you can have had a really bad morning with lots of stress and for that hour you can just switch off, and come the afternoon are feeling a lot calmer and less stressed.

What has been the driving factor that keeps you committed to your practice? In think the main factor is that I enjoy the class so that keeps me coming back, also I am one of these people once I have signed up to something I stick with it.

Congratulations, Fiona, on making your well-being a priority.  You are an inspiration to those around you, and are truly a Rockstar!

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