5 Reasons To Eat Dark Leafy Greens Every Day

5 Reasons To Eat Dark Leafy Greens Every Day


Dark leafy greens are the healthiest foods on the planet:

  1. They provide more nutrients than any other food- including 19 different vitamins and minerals and countless disease-fighting phytochemicals, all for just 36 calories per cup cooked.
  2. They provide protection from heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.
  3. They help prevent age-related vision loss.
  4. They provide built-in sun block for your skin (which means less skin cancer and less wrinkles).
  5.  They keep your mind sharp and you will think better.

Eat them raw:
• lettuce (avoid iceberg)
• kale
• spinach
• mustard greens
• beet greens
• collard greens


Jemi Health & Wellness is CGI’s local partner in The Bahamas. Jemi offers programs for individuals, corporate wellness and initiatives for The Bahamian community.

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