What is Wellness? Explore the 7 Areas (Part 1)

What is Wellness? Explore the 7 Areas (Part 1)

Did you know that CG is a member of The Wellness Council of America (WELCOA) and is gold certified for “building an exceptional and comprehensive worksite wellness strategy designed to improve employee well-being and create healthier organizational culture”?

Throughout this blog, the CG Zest Wellness team wants to reflect with you on the question, “What is Wellness?”. WELCOA’s definition of wellness is “the active pursuit to understand and fulfill your individual human needs—which allows you to reach a state where you are flourishing and able to realize your full potential in all aspects of life. Every person has wellness aspirations.”

Keep this in mind as we focus on 7 areas that make up WELCOA’s definition in order to better support and fulfill your wellness aspirations, personally and professionally.

Pillar 1 – Health

WELCOA’s definition: Beyond the absence of mental and physical illness, health is a feeling of strength and energy from your body and mind.

There are 5 main aspects of one’s personal health: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual.

As you reflect on this, ask yourself the following questions:

Am I feeling strong and energetic going into 2023?

If the answer is no, then it might be time to take a real break and work on self-care, to ensure you are fully recharged and avoid burnout this early in the year

What actions give my body and mind, strength and energy?

Does a hard workout achieve this? Or maybe a peaceful yoga session also helps? Whatever it may be, find actions that help you recharge your body and mind to feel energized and strong.

Pillar 2 – Meaning

WELCOA’s definition: Feeling part of something bigger than yourself. Knowing that your work matters. Having purpose in your life.

In other words, your purpose is the reason you get up in the morning. A purpose can help guide your life decisions, determine your goals, influence your behaviours, and offer a sense of direction.

The start of the year is a perfect time to reflect on your “why”. Ask yourself the following question:

What parts of my life give me meaning?

Many aspects of your life can provide meaning. Is it being a great parent, family member, or friend? Or perhaps it’s helping others through purposeful work? For some, their purpose may be rooted in spirituality or religious beliefs.

Still unsure of what your “why” is? Here’s an equation to help: 

Purpose = gifts + passions + values

Pillar 3 – Safety

WELCOA’s definition: Knowing that you are safe from physical and psychological harm at work. Feeling secure enough to take calculated risks and show vulnerability. Free of concern about meeting basic life needs.

In a work environment (or even life), it’s always reassuring to know that you can take risks and still be safe. Safety can also be a privilege, as not all of us may have the cards dealt to us.

When reflecting on safety, ask yourself the following questions:

When it comes to the workplace, what provides me safety?

What safety measures am I thankful to have?

Is it knowing that you have supportive managers that are always checking up on its staff to avoid burnout? Or maybe your colleagues encourage new ideas and innovations, allowing you to feel safe to share your thoughts.

If you feel that safety measures are lacking, speaking to your HR representative is the best place to start.

Pillar 4 – Connection

WELCOA’s definition: Experiencing positive, trusting relationships with others. Feeling a sense of belonging, acceptance and support.

As mentioned in Pillar 1 – Health, connection (or social) is a main aspect of our health. Humans are social beings that thrive on cooperation, as connections offer us a sense of community.

The start of the year is a great time to reflect on all of the connections you’ve made over the past year. Ask yourself:

What connections am I most thankful for this year?

What events or people gave me a sense of belonging, acceptance, and support?

Was it your new workout buddies that helped you overcome the hurdle to exercise regularly? Or was there a special moment/event that you felt connected with everyone around you?

Take some time to ponder over these questions, and stay tuned for Part 2 coming next week as we look over the final 3 pillars.




What is Wellness? Explore the 7 Areas (Part 2)

What is Wellness? Explore the 7 Areas (Part 2)

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