Top 6 Mindful Snacking Tips

Top 6 Mindful Snacking Tips

  1. Check-in with your hunger. Are you actually hungry? Sometimes when we think we are hungry we are actually bored, dehydrated, or both! Try drinking a glass of water first, and asking yourself if you are truly hungry. You can even rate your hunger on a scale of 1-5 to get a better idea of what your body needs at that moment.

  2. Keep snacks on hand that is easy to grab. Things like fresh fruit, nut and seed mixes, yogurts, granola bars; anything that you will enjoy and you can grab quickly.

  3. Organize a snack drawer or section in your pantry. Get excited about what you put in there! Planning ahead will guarantee that when that snacky feeling strikes, you are prepared.

  4. Make your own healthy snacks. Granola, trail mix, fruit salads, and homemade bars are so easy to make. Do some research and create your own healthy treat! Knowing that you made it yourself, and you know what ingredients were used, means you will likely enjoy it more.

  5. Limit your distractions when you do snack. Put your phone on silent, turn off the TV, and pay attention to the food you are enjoying.

  6. Take small bites and savor your food. What do you enjoy about this snack? The flavor, texture, smell, all add to our enjoyment of food.

Take note of how the snack made you feel. Do you feel full? Bloated? Light? Satisfied? Noticing these feelings can help you choose better in the future; whether that means having less of what you enjoyed, or choosing a different snack altogether.

Did you read all of these tips and choose junk food anyway? Oh well! Move on. Be kind to yourself. Enjoy your food, and remember to keep everything balanced and in moderation. If you do end up with some “junk”, check the portion size. Staying within the portion size will allow you to honor your craving for this food, and still not go too off the rails in terms of your health.

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