Rock Star Member: Amanda Kelly

Rock Star Member: Amanda Kelly

Mrs. Kelly, of Security & General Insurance, Bahamas, has been selected as this quarter’s Rock Star Member, and wins 250 HealthMiles and a $100 restaurant voucher.

“Amanda has a great attitude and a burst of energy! She has shown so much enthusiasm!” - Pearlean Alexis

“Her love of life and love for others is exuberant and reflects that of a true Rock Star! I encourage her to continue her journey to an even fitter, healthier person! AK... you rock! - Lisa Bellot

“Mrs. Kelly epitomizes the quote,‘The race is not given to the swift or the strong but to those who endure to the end.” - Juanita Miller

“Mrs. Kelly got engaged in the program and ever since she has participated in almost every fitness class and challenge set before her. I am very proud of her" - Donovan Ingraham

Do you know a Rock Star? Send your nomination to for a chance to be featured in next quarter’s newsletter!

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