CrossFit in Bermuda (only for the motivated and humble)

CrossFit in Bermuda (only for the motivated and humble)

Reaching fitness goals has become more accessible than ever thanks to the wide variety of exercise opportunities available.

One form of exercise, CrossFit, is recognized all over the world for its intense workouts and body sculpting benefits.  The world of CrossFit is very competitive- participants work to improve their

personal best, and can compete against others in sporting events.

Mike Montgomery (top left), Nives Filice (top right), and Lavina Simons (right), are dedicated CrossFit participants, among others from Colonial Medical in Bermuda. They have shared some insight into how CrossFit works for them:

“CrossFit entails constantly varied functional movements performed at relatively high intensity. There is an equality to the movements and worksouts - everyone can do them.” explained Mike. “It covers the broad spectrum of: Endurance, Speed, Stamina, Strength, Power, Agility, Coordination, Flexibility, Accuracy and Balance.”

All three individuals are known at Colonial for striving daily in their health and wellness. When asked why they participate in CrossFit, they all responded that CrossFit helps their mood and allows them to be active in the middle of their work day. They also enjoy the relationships they have made with other CrossFitters at the gym, which helps to keep them accountable and encourages them to do better with each work out.

When asked how she stays motivated, Lavina said, “Remembering how it felt to be 235 lbs., both physically and mentally, motivates me to continue working out 3-5 times a week and maintain healthy eating habits.” Lavina’s gym also challenges athletes to a nutrition challenge, which she won. From that challenge she was able to learn better eating habits that worked for her.

If you are looking for something new, CrossFit is welcoming people of all skill types, from beginners to advanced athletes.

Nives tells us what she enjoys most about CrossFit, “I like that the workouts are different every day, are always challenging, target various muscle groups and incorporate cardio, strength training and gymnastics. The workouts are high intensity so you see results quickly.”

For anyone who would like to try CrossFit, these three would highly recommend this challenge! Some advice for those starting out:

“Have a willing, “I can do this” attitude with a dose of humility.” – Lavina

“CrossFit is not for the faint of heart. If you are a motivated person that likes a challenge and wants to improve your physical and mental strength, it is the method of exercise for you. Beginners should concentrate on technique and not push to do any exercise for which they are not ready.” - Nives

“Check your ego at the door! There are no mirrors and it is not a place for posers. Come with a willingness to work out and enjoy yourself.” Mike

Colonial would like to recognize Lavina for participating in her second CrossFit Open. CrossFit open is designed to find the elite. Five workouts are done by CrossFit athletes around the world, and the top athletes continue to the CrossFit games where one male and female are named ‘Fittest on the Earth.” Way to go, Lavina!

If you are looking for a local CrossFit gym please check out:

LifeThyme CrossFit
7 Dundonald Street Hamilton

8 Mills Creek Road Pembroke

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